Registration form for new members
Registration form and membership payment for new members.PopularWallet
In our system, wallet is used in many places. All of them are described in this article.PopularSubaccounts
In short: family accounts (kids in most cases) or an option to add additional membership to one member.PopularHow does WodGuru look like from a member's perspective?
How does WodGuru look like from a member's perspective Bellow, we will see how the registration and account activation process looks like for members. After you register a new member at your gym, a few things happen: A welcome email with an activation link is sent: The logo and the name visible in the email would be your gym name and your logo. ;) At the sameSome readersHow to register a new member
You will learn what forms of adding a new user to the system we have are and how to use them.Some readersMember's account types
In WodGuru, a member account has three different types. In this article, we will describe all of them.Some readersHow to handle members with the Multisport card
Find out what is the best way to deal with multisport members in our system. Few readersClients filters
Introduction How to set and save filters Filters you can use 1. Active members as of today 2. Active members for the invoice Difference between active members and active members for the invoice How to send messages to members from your saved filter (1-Few readersVaccination module
What is the Vaccination Module? Enabling the Vaccination Module Vaccinated / Unvaccinated Status Vaccination module In WodGuru, you can decide whether you want to verify club members in terms of their vaccinated / unvaccinated status. Below you will find information on how to activate the Vaccination module, where the statuses are visible and to whom. EnablinFew readersOpen Gym module
What is Open Gym module and how it works? How to enable Open Gym module? How to check in a member for Open Gym? Where to check check-ins history? Summary Open Gym module In a situation where a club member does not attend group classes, but only, for example, the gym, the Open Gym modulFew readersAbsence fee
Introduction Where to enable absence fees? When does the system charge absence fees? How to enable paying off the debt in the app? How to set restrictions in bookings for members with debt in their wallets? Absence fees In WodGuru yFew readersData migration to WodGuru
Introduction How does data migration to WodGuru looks like? What data can we transfer to WodGuru? What happens after a data migration? How to prepare a file for migration? What about the installing a card/QR code reader? (1-what-about-the-installing-a-cardqr-coFew readersTags
Introduction How to turn on the module? How to create a Tag? How to assign a Tag to a client? How can you look up members using Tags? How to send a message to a certain group using Tags? How can you use automation to assign tag after turning guest to a member?Few readersUser logs
User logs Where can you find them What can you find in the user logs? User Logs All you need to know about User logs, where to find them and how to use them. Where can you find them You can find User logs in the User profile. You can open it through: Looking up a member in the browser on top of the page Looking up a member in Reports Clients EitFew readersTransactions filters
Available filters, that you can choose from 1. Payment option 2. Receipt 3. Search query 4. Removed and unfinished 5. Transaction type Transactions filters Here in WodGuru, you can look up a specific transaction using filters. AvFew readersMember's profile edition: guide for a club
Introduction How to find member's profile edition Member info Wallet Athlete membership User bookings User logs Member's profile edition: guide for a club How to make changes to your member's profile and what informations can you find in the member's edition. How to find meFew readersBookings ban
Introduction Where to enable bookings ban When and how can you set a booking ban on the member? Where can you revoke your member's ban? What will a member see from his app? Bookings ban In WodGuru, we give you the possibility to ban your members for exact amount of timeFew readers