Articles on: Members
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Transactions filters


Available filters, that you can choose from
1. Payment option
2. Receipt
3. Search query
4. Removed and unfinished
5. Transaction type

Transactions filters

Here in WodGuru, you can look up a specific transaction using filters.

You can find Transactions in the Reports section.

Available filters, that you can choose from

Beside using date function to look up a transaction, we have 5 various filters that you can choose from. Each filter has additional options.

Here you will learn about each one of them.

Using any filter, you can also use date requirement to look up a transaction.

1. Payment option

When it comes to payment option filter, you can look up through:

Recommendation - when a person buys a membership from another member's recommendation using Ambassador Program.

2. Receipt

In the Receipt filter, you can choose from:


3. Search query

Here you can look up a client, that has made a transaction 😊

4. Show removed and unfinished

Using this filter, you can find any transaction that:

was not completed by client
was deleted from the system

5. Transaction type

Through the transaction type, you can easily look up:

Membership purchase
Product purchase
Wallet fill - which will show you both wallet fill and wallet pay off method

💡 You may also want to check:

Clients filters
Cash balance
How to issue and invoice

Updated on: 12/03/2024

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