Articles on: Members
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Clients filters


How to set and save filters
How to send messages to members from your saved filter
Selecting specific clients and sending bulk messages


In WodGuru, you have the option of filtering your members and saving those filters.

Set and save filters

Go to Reports > Members section and click SET FILTERS

You can choose filters from this list (so far, we're still developing):

Of course, you can choose more than 1 filter, narrowing down the results 😊

When you set your filter, you can save it with its own name, for example:

Sending messages to members from your saved filter

Saved filters can be used for sending e-mails / text messages (in Communication > Campaigns)

Selecting specific clients and sending bulk messages

This option allows you to easily and quickly send messages to selected club members

If you want to select clients with specific criteria (with a certain membership or sth) use the filters first. Then you can select them and send a message.

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Updated on: 16/12/2024