Online payments
When a member can pay online, how much does it cost and why so expensive ;)Some readersAmbassador program
A member can recommend your gym to his friends in exchange for a commission from the purchased memberships.Some readersShop
Come out with an offer of your products online! T-shirts, caps, events ... you can sell it to your members using online payments.Some readersCash balance
A module that will help you track the cash in your cash register. Easily add expenses, fill up, and reset.Few readersHow to issue an invoice
Everything you need to know about invoicing.Few readersDiscount codes
How to create discount codes and where a member can enter them.Few readersMembership online sales
How to configure membership online sale in WodGuru, how to sell memberships online in a gym and a fitness club.Few readersBar
With this module in WodGuru, you can add products to the warehouse and sell them in your fitness club and in your gym's online shop.Few readersHow to add a discount to a membership
Adding a discount to a gym membership, editing dicounts by reception desk, using discount codes in a fitness clubFew readersRecurring payments
Introduction How to enable recurring payments? How do recurring payments work? Unsuccessful payments Additional information Recurring payments In WodGuru, you can use online payments, including recurring card payments. The provider of recurring payments in WodGuru is Stripe. How to enable recurringFew readersMembership payment link
In WodGuru you can generate a membership payment link and send it to your client to make the purchase process fast and easy.Few readersCoach Record Report
Introduction What can you use Coach Report for? What can you find in Coach Report? Which filters can you use in Coach Report? Coach Record Report Everything about what you can find in Coach Report. What can you use Coach Report for? The question should be: what you cannot use it for? 😉 It came to my notiFew readersTransactions Report Summary
Transactions Report Summary All about where you can find, what can you find there and how to turn on / off Access for your crew 😉 Where to find Transactions report summary? You can find it right in the Reports section. There you will be able to see general summary of the transactions from the dates chosen in filters, listed crew members, that sold memberships / products, and in the last one memberships / products that have been sold. ( readersGift voucher
Introduction How to create Voucher in WodGuru How to add Voucher to your shop How to assign discount code to a product that will allow you to use a Voucher? 1. Creating discount code, that will let client use a voucher in your store (5-1-creating-discount-code-that-will-let-client-use-a-vouchFew readersReporting Center
Introduction Where to find Reporting Center? What Reports can you find in Reporting Center? 1. Athlete Stats 2. Membership Report 3. Sales 4. Booking Stats 5. Revenue from continuous memberships 6. Contracts report (5-6Few readers