Articles on: Sales
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Enabling the module
Adding products
Making changes to delivery
Selling with defined buyer
Selling without defined buyer


Everything about the bar module, and how you can add products to the warehouse and sell them in your club and in your online store

Enabling the module

Go to the Settings -> Modules and turn on the Bar module. The "Warehouse" tab will appear in the "Settings" section.

Adding products

The first thing we need to do is to prepare the products in our warehouse. Go to the Warehouse and add products, their selling prices and the initial quantity.

TIP: If tracking margins is important to you, it's best to introduce a new product with a zero stock level, and then add a delivery together with the purchase price.

Adding product

TIP: It's best to start entering the selling price with the gross value (with VAT). Thanks to this, we will avoid errors in calculations occuring when selling more units of the product.


The next step is to enter the delivery into the system. Click the button on the right side "DELIVERY" and complete the required data, which will be:

what product enters the warehouse
how many pieces we place in the warehouse
what was the purchase price for one unit (without VAT)

As you can see, you can add multiple products while making a delivery 😊 You will see the total of the products you've added, and you can also add a note when making a delivery.

After you finish delivery, you can click on "Deliveries" and you will see an "i" icon. After clicking on it, you will see notes that you or your coworker wrote while doing delivery.

Making changes to delivery

You can edit existing delivery if you need to (for example if you've made a mistake setting net price, or need to add another note).

Any other changes you need to make you can make by doing Return.


If we want to recall a product from our warehouse, we can make a return. Click RETURN. Here, beside the basic information we needed to provide in Delivery section, we also need to provide the reason for the return.

Selling with defined buyer

Everything is ready, we can sell products 😊 First, we need to click on the basket icon in the right top corner.

Then, you will see the cart window, which will allow you to choose a buyer.

Next, you can choose product or multiple products that you want to sell:

The next step is to choose the payment method and from that moment on, the process looks the same as when selling tickets:

Ready! 😉

Selling without defined buyer

Let's say you're in a rush and you need to sell the product without choosing the buyer, but you want to add him later on. How can you do it? Lemme explain 😇

First, you need to go through all of the steps listed above, and finalize the sell.

Then, you need to go to Reports > Transactions and find the transaction you're looking for.

Next, click on the 3 dots next to this transaction and you'll see:

System will ask you to choose the buyer.

You click Save and it's done! 😋

💡 You may also want to check:

Cash balance
How to issue an invoice

Updated on: 19/07/2024

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