Booking classes
How booking classes work at WodGuru
Everything you need to understand about booking classes in our system. Who can book a class, how to book in, and how cancel a booking.
To start booking gym members in classes, at first we need to create a schedule with classes.
How to create a schedule, you can read here: Creating recurring classes
How to book classes
There are several ways to book a gym member in classes.
Members check-in by themselves
The simplest of the options available: a gym member logs into his app and book in classes.
Look up here: How to register a new member
And here: How WodGuru looks form a member's perspective?
We recommend that you create a test gym member's account and see how WodGuru works from their perspective.
We can define which classes a member has access to by editing memberships. Read more here: Creating memberships
We book members in classes
Going to Schedule and clicking on specific classes, we will see the attendance list. This is where we can book in or cancel bookings for our gym members.

Automated Signups
If a gym member attends a specific class frequently, you can use WodGuru to automatically book this member in.
Automated singing up for classes
In the Settings > Bookings tab you will find all the settings related to booking in classes:

Updated on: 20/12/2024