Transactions Report Summary
Transactions Report Summary
All about where you can find, what can you find there and how to turn on / off Access for your crew 😉
Where to find Transactions report summary?
You can find it right in the Reports section. There you will be able to see general summary of the transactions from the dates chosen in filters, listed crew members, that sold memberships / products, and in the last one memberships / products that have been sold.

By clicking on the buyer you will be redirected to member's profile edition.
By clicking on an arrow in the right top corner you can download Transactions Report as a file from the time slot you've chosen. The time slot for the report cannot exceed 70 days.
How to turn on / off access of the Summary to Crew members?
Go to Settings > Crew. In editing section of your coworker, you will be able to find the Access section.
If you've already set Full Access then you don't need to do anything: unless you want to turn it off Then you will need to find Module: Transaction Report Summary, and turn it off.

💡 You may also want to check:
Transactions Filters
Coach Record Report
Clients Filters
Updated on: 30/01/2025