Articles on: Memberships
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Continuous membership (contract)


Continuous membership
Continuous membership extension rule
Contract auto renewal
Payment method: card connected to the member's account
Loyalty discount
Notification about extending membership
Maximum membership end date

Continuous membership (contract) and membership cancellation

WodGuru allows you to configure memberships in a way to maintain continuity between months. We use it mainly in case of a membership covered by the contract and also anytime we want to avoid breaks between the end of one membership and the start of the next one.

Continuous membership

The continuity of the membership means that the payment date is unchanged.

The gym member has a monthly membership, valid until April 10. That member appears at the gym only on April 16 and pays for the next membership.
If the membership is continuous , the new end date of the membership is May 10 (April 11 - May 10). A month from the end of the last membership.
If the membership is not continuous , the new one starts on the day of purchase and the new end date of the membership will be May 15 (April 16 - May 15).

You can read about the general rules for creating memberships here: Creating memberships

Continuous membership extension rules

Go to Settings > Memberships tab to determine these options

Payment for continuous membership will be taken automatically after it expires. Meaning; membership lasts 1 months and is continuous (which means it wants to renew itself), so after one month, the payment will be taken automatically. It's gonna work the same way for each membership that lasts longer that 7 days and is continuous.

From the 1st day of the month :
Such a membership will always start on the first day of the month and end on the last day.

In case of gym member registration, e.g. on October 20, the system will calculate the first installment as if it lasted from October 20 to October 31.

Prorata :
When the gym member DOESN'T buy a continuous membership on the first day of the month, the system will calculate how much the first membership installment should cost. It will do this based on the number of days left in the month and reduce the price accordingly.

The option is available for continuous memberships with "from the first day of the month" option enabled only.

Membership covered by the contract? :
In a situation where a gym member signs a contract for a specific number of months, we can add the number of installments to the membership.

Membership: OPEN 6 Months
We make a time based membership for 1 month and specify the number of installments as 6 :

Contract auto renewal

Contract auto renewal works perfectly in cases when you want your member's membership to be renewed automatically. So, when for example, numer of installments in the contract is 7 - after the last one, the membership will renew itself to 1/7.

For the contract auto renewal to work, you need to enable Membership covered by contract? option, and set the number of installments.

To enable this option, go to Settings > Memberships, then click on the pencil icon (settings):

Now you can see Settings of the membership. When you scroll down a little bit, you will see Advanced Settings. You need your membership to have Continuous membership option enabled. And after that, you will see Membership covered by the contract?

You need to enable this option. Next, set the number of installments.

Here you will see Contract auto renewal. You need to enable it.

Click Save and now it's ready 🥳

Payment method: card connected to the member's account

If you use our recurring payments provider (which is a requirement for continuous memberships 😉), then if your club's member decides to extend membership directly in the club, when choosing the payment method at the reception in addition to the standard payment methods there will also be the possibility of a member finalising payment using the card that is connected to their account.

So if a gym member is in a hurry, doesn't have cash, but has a card connected and would like to extend the subscription or change it to another one - you can choose this payment and their account will be charged. 😊

In case of such club member, you can use the same payment method when selling a product to them (e.g water, tshirt). As a method of payment you can choose online, and the payment will be made directly from their account.

Loyalty discount

In WodGuru you have the possibility to grant members who pay for their memberships on time, setting for them loyalty discount.

So how can you do it?

Click on Settings > Memberships
Edit specific membership (pencil icon)
Scroll to the bottom of Advanced settings

Here you will see On-time payments discount.

You enable the discount and set the amount of it:

Done! This is how a member will see it from his app:

If you have other discount codes available in your club, member can decide if he want to choose on-time discount, or any other that is available for him. Discounts don't combine

If a member wants to extend membership while being in the club, the loyalty discount will be added when extending his membership from reception side.

You just need to click on Extend membership, and the discount will be added when finalising a payment.

We hope it'll make your members happy! 💘

Notification about extending membership

If the pass is continuous and it is about to be expired, client will see information in his app about automatic extension of his membership.

This applies to situations in which: the pass is continuous and the card has been linked to the club member's profile and it is not the last installment to be paid.

Maximum membership end date

For those of you, who are closing your gym / fitness club for summer, and want to make sure your member will not extend a membership past a certain date. 😉

To find this option, click on the Settings > Memberships. Then, go to editing a membership , and i**n the Advanced Settings you will find "Maximum membership end date".
After turning on this option, you will be able to set a date.

Here's an example of how it works:

You set a maximum date to 30th of June.
Matt has got a membership, which expiration date is 15th of June.
Matt will be able to extend his membership, but his new expiration date will be 30th of June, and not the 15th of July.

Thanks to this option, members with continuous membership will not be able to extend their membership past the date you set in the membership.

You can disable, or change the date in this option any time you need to.

Updated on: 24/02/2025