Gift voucher
How to create Voucher in WodGuru
How to add Voucher to your shop
How to assign discount code to a product that will allow you to use a Voucher?
1. Creating discount code, that will let client use a voucher in your store
2. Assigning discount code to a product and emailing it after finalising a payment
All about how you can create and sell Gift Voucher in WodGuru.
For you to be able to sell a Voucher, it first needs to be added in your club's Bar. So the first thing that you need to do here, is enable Storage module, in Settings > Modules.
Then go to Settings > Modules, and click on Add product button, in the right top corner.
Fill the information here:

Click save.
For the VAT in Voucher please talk to your accountant to make sure you've put the right VAT number.
Now you can see that your voucher was added to available products.

What we need to do now, is add it to the store.
Go to Settings > Web Integrations, and enable the Shop module.
After enabling it, click on the Settings icon on the right side:

Now we need to add product to the shop.

Choose product from the list, add a picture and / or description of it, click save and it's done!
Now the Voucher is available in your shop.
IMPORTANT: for a member to be able to buy your product online, you'll need to have online payments enabled.
There's a few steps that you need to follow for the voucher to work properly 😊
First, we need to set discount code that will give us discount on a product corresponding to the voucher price.
Go to Settings > Discount codes
Create a new discount code. Set the code and amount.

Then you need to decide, what is the maximum usage limit and if you want discount code to cover all passes and products.

Click save.
Now we need to set email and text automation, that will send Discount code for a client after buying a voucher. Thanks to it, the voucher will work correctly.
Go to Communication > Automations
Click on the Add automation button in the right top corner
Choose an action after which email needs to be sent, in this case we will choose 0 days after (system will send a message immediately) Product purchase.
Then we also need to choose product, which after being purchased will trigger email automation to be sent.

Then we choose which action needs to be executed. In this case we choose Send email.

Add a message body. So, it's best to put discount code that you've just created and is connected directly to the Voucher, and also a picture of a Voucher (if you don't have one created specifically for your club, you can download one from legal sources on the internet).

Click save.
And it's done! 🥳 Now, when client will buy a Voucher, the email with Voucher and discount code will be automatically sent to their email address.
💡 You may also want to check:
Membership online sales
Discount codes
How to create Voucher in WodGuru
How to add Voucher to your shop
How to assign discount code to a product that will allow you to use a Voucher?
1. Creating discount code, that will let client use a voucher in your store
2. Assigning discount code to a product and emailing it after finalising a payment
Gift voucher
All about how you can create and sell Gift Voucher in WodGuru.
How to create Voucher in WodGuru?
For you to be able to sell a Voucher, it first needs to be added in your club's Bar. So the first thing that you need to do here, is enable Storage module, in Settings > Modules.
Then go to Settings > Modules, and click on Add product button, in the right top corner.
Fill the information here:

Click save.
For the VAT in Voucher please talk to your accountant to make sure you've put the right VAT number.
Now you can see that your voucher was added to available products.

What we need to do now, is add it to the store.
How to add Voucher to your shop?
Go to Settings > Web Integrations, and enable the Shop module.
After enabling it, click on the Settings icon on the right side:

Now we need to add product to the shop.

Choose product from the list, add a picture and / or description of it, click save and it's done!
Now the Voucher is available in your shop.
IMPORTANT: for a member to be able to buy your product online, you'll need to have online payments enabled.
How to assign discount code to a product, that will allow you to use a voucher?
There's a few steps that you need to follow for the voucher to work properly 😊
1. Creating discount code, that will let client use a voucher in your store
First, we need to set discount code that will give us discount on a product corresponding to the voucher price.
Go to Settings > Discount codes
Create a new discount code. Set the code and amount.

Then you need to decide, what is the maximum usage limit and if you want discount code to cover all passes and products.

Click save.
2. Assigning discount code to a product, and emailing it after finalising a payment
Now we need to set email and text automation, that will send Discount code for a client after buying a voucher. Thanks to it, the voucher will work correctly.
Go to Communication > Automations
Click on the Add automation button in the right top corner
Choose an action after which email needs to be sent, in this case we will choose 0 days after (system will send a message immediately) Product purchase.
Then we also need to choose product, which after being purchased will trigger email automation to be sent.

Then we choose which action needs to be executed. In this case we choose Send email.

Add a message body. So, it's best to put discount code that you've just created and is connected directly to the Voucher, and also a picture of a Voucher (if you don't have one created specifically for your club, you can download one from legal sources on the internet).

Click save.
And it's done! 🥳 Now, when client will buy a Voucher, the email with Voucher and discount code will be automatically sent to their email address.
💡 You may also want to check:
Membership online sales
Discount codes
Updated on: 06/02/2025