Suspending membership
How to suspend membership?
Retroactive suspension of a membership
How does it look like from a member's app perspective?
Suspension history
How to suspend and further activate membership for your members.
We have been introduced to many membership suspension policies, such as:
no policy :D
up to 30 days of suspension in the year,
each month, up to 7 days,
and many more, basically each gym has slightly different rules.
At WodGuru we want to meet those needs. That's why you have an option to suspend membership and track the whole suspension history.
To suspend membership for selected gym member, you need to enter member edition and find Athlete membership section:

The button we are looking for is: "Suspend Membership", once clicked:

Define, for how long would you like to suspend membership and click Suspend.
At this point:
your member receives an email with details about his suspension,
on 2023-12-08 (in this case) membership will be automatically activated, and the membership end date will be moved for the selected suspension period.
Also, if you need you can activate the membership at any time you want
Okay, but what happens when a client comes up to you with doctor's note saying that he or she is currently unfit for any exercising?
We allow you to suspend a membership with an retroactive effect 😉 Which means you can choose any date in the past when the suspension should've started.
What is important to remember here, is that activation of the membership suspended in the past, will only be possible from tomorrow onwards.

You can edit suspension and change the date of it at any needed time

Member has all the needed information about the suspension. During this time, classes sign ups are disabled.
At the membership activation date, the member received an email, and his app gets back to normal.
At the same place, where you have suspended membership, you can find whole suspension history for the selected member:

Easy peasy lemon squeezy
💡 You may also want to check:
Continuous membership contract and membership cancellation
How to remove an added membership
Session based memberships
How to suspend membership?
Retroactive suspension of a membership
How does it look like from a member's app perspective?
Suspension history
Suspending membership
How to suspend and further activate membership for your members.
We have been introduced to many membership suspension policies, such as:
no policy :D
up to 30 days of suspension in the year,
each month, up to 7 days,
and many more, basically each gym has slightly different rules.
At WodGuru we want to meet those needs. That's why you have an option to suspend membership and track the whole suspension history.
How to suspend membership?
To suspend membership for selected gym member, you need to enter member edition and find Athlete membership section:

The button we are looking for is: "Suspend Membership", once clicked:

Define, for how long would you like to suspend membership and click Suspend.
At this point:
your member receives an email with details about his suspension,
on 2023-12-08 (in this case) membership will be automatically activated, and the membership end date will be moved for the selected suspension period.
Also, if you need you can activate the membership at any time you want
Retroactive suspension of a membership
Okay, but what happens when a client comes up to you with doctor's note saying that he or she is currently unfit for any exercising?
We allow you to suspend a membership with an retroactive effect 😉 Which means you can choose any date in the past when the suspension should've started.
What is important to remember here, is that activation of the membership suspended in the past, will only be possible from tomorrow onwards.

You can edit suspension and change the date of it at any needed time

How does it look like from a member's app perspective?

Member has all the needed information about the suspension. During this time, classes sign ups are disabled.
At the membership activation date, the member received an email, and his app gets back to normal.
Suspension history
At the same place, where you have suspended membership, you can find whole suspension history for the selected member:

Easy peasy lemon squeezy
💡 You may also want to check:
Continuous membership contract and membership cancellation
How to remove an added membership
Session based memberships
Updated on: 11/07/2024