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How to connect gmail to WodGuru?

How to connect gmail to WodGuru?

In WodGuru, you can use the email address generated for you by the system to send e-mails. You can change this email to your own email address - in order to do this, set up your SMTP configuration.

Here you can read more about sending emails

In this article, we cover configuration. Generally, in this case, you need to enable two-step verification for the email address you want to use in WodGuru, then create an App password, and finally connect the data with us.

Here are instructions on how to do it step by step:

Generate application password.

In order for your emails to be sent from your account, you need to generate a special SMTP password.
Generate your App password please refer to this instruction:
You need to have 2-Step-Authentication for that email first. If you don't have it enabled yet, please set it up, using the instructions in the link above 😊

Connect gmail data with WodGuru.

Go to Settings > Sending messages in WodGuru. Your data to connect your gmail account to WodGuru are:

SMTP user name: Your email address (
SMTP password: 16-character App password generated in step 1.
SMTP host:
SMTP port: 587
Encryption: TLS

Updated on: 05/12/2023

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