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Automated signups for classes

Where to turn it on
Signing up a member for the classes with turned on "Automated sign-ups" option
Taking the farthest automated sign up when assigning your member from waitlist to the main list
How to refresh automated sign ups
Browser in an Automated signups

Automated signups for classes

Sometimes we want to assign a permanent place in the classes to a member. Usually, when you organize some courses at your gym.

You can enable Automated signups in Settings > Modules

Turning on automated sign up

We go to the Programs tab, we can check which classes have "Automated sign-ups" turned on by creating or editing them. We turn it on and click save.

Signing up a member for the classes with turned on "Automated sign-ups" option

To sign up the member for classes we go to the Schedule tab and click the selected classes. Then we click the Sign in member button.

After signing up a member for the classes, with turned on automated sign ups option we will see:

After clicking Yes, please, the member will be enrolled for Zumba classes on a specific day and time until the end of his membership.

You can see all of the automated sign ups in the User signups history (you need to click on the pencil icon next to the member's info and scroll down):

From now on, each time we extend his membership, he will be signed up for zumba classes for the next settlement period.

We can edit automated sign-ups for the member at the bottom of his profile:

In the case above, the member is enrolled for selected classes each time he extends his membership.

We can delete automated sign-ups for a specific member by clicking "X" on the chosen class.

Taking the farthest automated sign up when assigning your member from waitlist to the main list

As you may probably know, system checks the validity of the member's membership in the exact moment of assigning them from the wait list to the main list. And depending of the validity of the membership, system decides if it can sign or not member to the main list.

But, if there's a specific amount of the signups made by the system in the future, we want it to take the farthest sign up and give it to the member's pass in the moment of assigning them to the main list from waiting list.

How does it exactly happen?

Member is assigned to automated sign ups and has a number of sign ups in the future.

In this case, the farthest sign up is on 11th October on Friday.

Member signs up for a classes waitlist.

Another member signs out from the main list, so there's one seat available.

System takes the farthest entry (in this case from 11/10) and signs up the member for the main list.

Thanks to this, member will not miss any classes he wants to attend 🥳

How to refresh automated sign ups

In WodGuru, this type of sign ups will be refreshed automatically every Thursday at 4:15 AM. We do give you an option though to refresh them manually :)

You can do it, going into section Reports > Automated signups and then clicking the button on the right side "Refresh signups".

Browser in an Automated signups

Thanks to this option, you can look for the specific classes and see how many members are signed up for them, or look up the member by his / her name.

You can find it in Reports > Automated signups 🩷

💡 You may also want to check out:

Signups for classes
Recurring classes
Automatic and manual cancellation of classes

Updated on: 17/09/2024

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