Classes types
Classes types
You can find everything you need to know about the Classes types tab here.
What is it and what is it for? How do we create a new type of class and what are the options available?
In Classes types we define what classes we have to offer. We need to start with this, so that we can build a schedule later.
Creating a new class type
We create new class type in Settings > Classes types.
We can define here:
1. Basic info, which are:
Name of the class
Background color
2. Advanced settings
Whether we want to enable Workout programming for this class or not
Whether we want to enable Recurring bookings for classes or not
Whether we want to enable equal split by gender or not
3. Public schedule settings (What is Gym's public schedule)?)
Description of the class
Having this done, click SAVE. Voila!
After providing an image and description to the class, the "Show more" button will appear in this particular class type in the public schedule, .
After clicking on it, it will display the following view:
If we do not provide the image and description to the class, then after hovering over the class in the public schedule, we will go directly to booking a class.
Having created Classes types, we can move on to creating a schedule. How to do it, you can read here:
Recurring classes
One-time classes (events)
Updated on: 23/12/2024