Mass removal of classes
Mass removal of classes
How to remove classes by one click, in the situation when; for example, you're taking a PTO :)
How to remove classes on a specific day?
First, you need to click on the Schedule panel at the top of the website. You'll see 3 dots next to each day on the schedule.

After clicking on the dots on the day you are interested in, you will see:

remove classes from that day
send message to all members
Then, you will see a window, on which you'll need to confirm that you want to delete classes from the whole day:

You click "Yes, remove!" and...

Voila! The classes are now deleted. Your clients will not see them on their schedule in the app, and they will get a message that the classes have been cancelled.
And now, you can take a good day off! 😁
Updated on: 09/09/2024