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Custom registration fields


How to turn on the module?
How it's gonna look like from the customer's side?

Custom registration fields

Adjust the registration form depending on your club's needs.

Here you will find out how to add new custom fields to your registration forms. Need an ID number for your member's contract? Want to find out where the majority of your clients comes from? Or maybe you just want to ask them something more specific? 😉 We got your back!

How to turn on the module?

You can find this module in Settings > Modules. It's gonna be right under Facility terms and conditions setting

You don't need to click on anything to turn this module on. All you need to do is to create a first custom field, and you're all set! It'll show in the registration form right away 🩷

Which fields can you choose from?

Available fields that you can choose from are:

1. Address
2. VAT Number
3. City
4. Post code
5. Country
6. Date of birth
7. Checkbox
8. Text - whatever you want to know from your members! Here's a place for you to ask them about their ID - if you need it for their agreement, you can ask them here about how did they find the club or how much time do they spend on exercises weekly Whatever comes to your mind!

You can set each of the field as either Required or Optional.

How it's gonna look like from the customer's side?

When registering, clients will be able to see the registration form, with the custom fields that you've added.

If they don't fill out the fields set as "required", they won't be able to make an account 😉

And now, you can make the changes 🤗

💡Good to know:

Registration form for new guests
Registration form for new members
How to configure a new WodGuru account

Updated on: 06/06/2024

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