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Coworkers managing

Coworkers managing

Learn how to create coworkers' account and how to give them permissions with a few clicks.

In WodGuru, all of your coworkers (co-owners, receptionists, coaches) should have their accounts.

Why is it important?

Because you will know:

who sold a product,
who made changes in member's membership,
who signed up/signed out a member from classes

To add a coworker, we have to go to the Crew tab.

We click the add icon, and you will see:

We enter the details of the coworker, determine his role, and we choose if he will have full or limited access to the system, then we click save.

Your coworker will receive an email with the activation link. The account activation process is the same as with member's registration.

Updated on: 01/12/2023

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