How to book a class?
How to book a class?
After you've activated your club account, it's time to book a class.
How to log into your account?
Use this link: You can do it from any device - your phone, tablet or a computer.
Your e-mail address provided during registration is your app login.
If you forgot your password, you will find a reset button at the bottom.
After logging in, you will see the schedule for the current day. To choose a different day, use arrows.

In your app, you can easily:
Book a class
Unsubscribe from classes
Check who else is going to attend a class (if this option is enabled by your club)
Check how many people have booked a class and how many spots are left

You will always find all your reservations in "My bookings" tab.
If the limit of a class has been reached and your club uses waitlists, the process of booking looks like this:

The system will ask you how much time before class starts you need to be notified if the reservation opens up. You can choose from "Even when the class start" up to even 24 hours before the starting time.

The number below the "chair" indicates your place in a queue 😉
Remember: if your membership has expired, the system will not be able to book you in from waitlist.
If you want to install the phone application remember to use the appropriate browser:
Chrome for Android
Safari for iOS
You may also check:
How to install WodGuru mobile app
How to edit your profile and change your profile picture
[How to make online payments in your club app](/en/article/how-to-make-online-payments-in-your-club-app-1rr46zm/)
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Updated on: 23/12/2024